
Member Exclusive Offer

Coway Storm 空氣淨化機 (AP-1516D),半價優惠 50% OFF!!

限時 Limited Time! 限量 50部 Limited 50 units!

由現在至2024年6月30日,會員只需 $2750 即可購入韓國Coway Storm四重過濾空氣淨化機一部 (原價$5500)。

加碼濾網優惠! 購買空氣淨化機,同時可用半價購買5片中置粉塵濾網 (每2個月更換),只需$750 (原價$1500)。配合新機原備的各濾網,足一年使用。


From now until June 30, 2024, purchase of Coway Storm 4-stage purification Air Purifier for only $2750 (original price: $5500).

Incredible Filter Savings – Don’t Miss Out! Purchase Storm air purifier, you can also get 5 Fine Dust filter pack (changed every 2 months) at half price -only $750 (original price $1500). Combined with the other filters that come with the new machine, this will last you a full year of use.

Maximize your savings by having both the air purifier and the filter package.  Whether you are a Coway💧water purifier user looking for optimizing indoor air quality, or a ♻️ air purifier user wanting to upgrade to new model, you can enjoy the above 50% discount. (Terms and conditions apply)

📌查詢或落單 Enquiry & place order 📳+852 6384 4425


  1. 優惠期: 即日至2024年6月30日。
  2. 優惠產品型號: Storm 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D 及相關濾網。
  3. 限量優惠: 50部。
  4. 優惠只限Coway客戶。
  5. 半價購買Storm 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D,包送貨,不附送任何免費上門服務及維修保養。
  6. 接受以舊Coway空氣機半價換購Storm 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D,包送貨。不附送任何免費上門清潔、換濾網服務及維修保養。
  7. 半價之5片中置粉塵濾網套裝,必須在購買Storm 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D同時換購, 不設獨立購買濾網套裝優惠。
  8. 每部原裝Storm空氣淨化機均已跟機配置1片前置濾網 (可清洗,不需換新)、1片中置粉塵濾網 (每2個月更換)、1片脫臭濾網 (每12個月更換) 及1片HEPA 高效濾網 (每12個月更換),共4片濾網。
  9. 優惠不設任何免費上門清潔、換濾網服務及維修保養。
  10. 本公司保留更改條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。

Terms and conditions:

  1. Promotion period: From now until June 30, 2024.
  2. Promotional products: Coway Storm air purifier model AP-1516D and related filters.
  3. Limited Offer: 50 units.
  4. Offer is exclusive to Coway members.
  5. 50% off Storm air purifier model AP-1516D includes free delivery. No free on-site cleaning, filter change or maintenance service is provided.
  6. Exchange old Coway air purifier for the Storm air purifier model AP-1516D at 50% off is acceptable. Free delivery. No free on-site cleaning, filter change or maintenance service is provided.
  7. 50% off of the 5 Fine Dust filter set is only available for the purchase of the discounted Storm air purifier together. Purchase of the discounted filter package individually is not acceptable.
  8. Each Storm air purifier is originally packed with 1 Pre filter (washable), 1 Fine Dust filter (replace every 2 months), 1 Deodorization filter (replace every 12 months), and 1 HEPA filter (replace every 12 months), total 4 filters.
  9. No free on-site cleaning, filter change or maintenance service is offered.
  10. The company reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the company’s decision will be final.